February 2018 presents the ETEGL a bit of a challenge with regards to train show attendance. Next year the Great Train Show, a two-day event at the Suburban Collection in Novi, falls the weekend after the Ann Arbor Model Railroad Club's two-day show at Saline Middle School.
In the past the ETEGL has done both shows. In both cases we have brought the full layout to each event. But with the two shows falling so close to each other there is concern that we will not have enough members attend both events to insure smooth setup, operation and tear-down.
We are asking our members who are engaged with the modular layout (along with any visitors to this website who plan to attend one or both shows) to help us decide which event we should attend, or both or neither. Please take a moment to complete the one-question survey below. Based on the responses we receive we will know whether we have enough personnel to attend one or both shows. Although there is no requirement to attend the event(s) you select below we hope you consider participating. These two shows represent our biggest opportunities for outreach in Southeast Michigan and are responsible for a large part of our membership finding us.
In the past the ETEGL has done both shows. In both cases we have brought the full layout to each event. But with the two shows falling so close to each other there is concern that we will not have enough members attend both events to insure smooth setup, operation and tear-down.
We are asking our members who are engaged with the modular layout (along with any visitors to this website who plan to attend one or both shows) to help us decide which event we should attend, or both or neither. Please take a moment to complete the one-question survey below. Based on the responses we receive we will know whether we have enough personnel to attend one or both shows. Although there is no requirement to attend the event(s) you select below we hope you consider participating. These two shows represent our biggest opportunities for outreach in Southeast Michigan and are responsible for a large part of our membership finding us.